
The Coordinator of Activity Therapy (AT) is responsible for coordinating all AT Services, Volunteer Services, AA, NA, and Chapel Services. The AT Services mission statement is to provide treatment, leisure education and recreation participation activities designed to improve some functional or behavioral area to further the independence of the people we serve. The Therapeutic Recreation Service Model is used to better explain the role of recreation in the clinical setting. This model is divided into three components; (1) Treatment, (2) Leisure Education, and (3) Recreation Participation. Within this model, it is acknowledged that a given client may require or need services in one, two, or all three areas.
Services will include:
- Intensive, specialized day programming
- Individualized behavioral programming
- Structured recreation activities
- Supportive and crisis counseling
- Substance Abuse Services
- Mental Health Services
- Medication Management
- Case Management
- Skills Training
- Residential Rehabilitation Services
(a) Budgeting
(b) Nutrition and food preparation
(c) Navigation in the community
(d) Health services |
The program will provide a psychosocial approach to include skills training in communication, social skills, work readiness, leisure education, self help and daily living as determined by individual needs. Clients determine their rehabilitation goals and work toward the ability to live in the community, and develop independent or semi-independent living.
