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As a service provider to clients/consumers with mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse needs, we frequently seek up-to-date information from other providers. The internet provides invaluable access to this information.

To facilitate collaboration and cooperation among MHMRSA service providers, we've compiled the following list of WWW resources to facilitate your information needs.

Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Resources

Georgia Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases

Mental Health Services

Developmental Disabilities Services

Addictive Diseases Services

Employment Opportunities

DBHDD Job Site - for those interested in supporting the recovery and independence of people with mental health, developmental disability and addictive disease.

The JobSite - The State of Georgia government employment resource for job applicant and agency recruiter alike!

Recruitment Services - Department of Human Services -If you're looking to build a great career in health & social services - this is the place.

Georgia State Government Sites

State of Georgia

Georgia Division of Public Health

Georgia Department of Human Services

Georgia Department of Community Health

Federal Government

Centers for Medicare And Medicaid Services (CMS)

Centers for Disease Control (CDC)

National Library of Medicine

National Institutes of Health

U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services

U.S. Census Bureau

Federal Register

Food and Drug Administration

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)

Georgia Hospital Association's (GHA) purpose is to promote the health and welfare of the public through the development of better hospital care for all of Georgia's citizens.

Quality & Performance Improvement

Home of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award


 WCGRH Statements

Mission: Provide and promote local accessibility and choice of services and programs for individuals, families and communities through partnership, in order to create a sustainable, self-sufficient and resilient life in the community.

Vision: Every person who participates in our services leads a satisfying, independent life with dignity and respect.


Some Useful Links

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GroupWise Access

Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities


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