Category: Photos
Hurricane Dorian Evacuation Efforts
FEMA Crisis Counseling Program training
Nasadad board with Senator Dick DurbinJennifer Dunn at the GA Farm Bureau in Macon Office of Addictive Diseases at the Georgia State Capital Commissioner Fitzgerald presenting to the House Rural Development Council Commissioner Fitzgerald speaking at the NAMI Walks Kick-off
DBHDD On The Move July 2019
“Empower – Experts Discuss Mental Health and Addiction.”
This is panel discussion was moderated by WSB-TVs Jovita Moore at the Cox Corporate Campus.
Georgia Disaster Mental Health Field Response Training class taught by Jeannette David at the Region 1 Field Office. There were 20 people in attendance from the DBHDD, Advantage, Lookout Mountain, American Work, Cobb CSB, Clayton Center, Haralson BHS, and few other small providers.
Region 4 emergency preparedness workshop in Thomasville, GA.
David Sofferin speaking at Dr. Kay Brooks- Hatfield’s retirement reception in Albany, GA
Gov Kemp and Commissioner Fitzgerald Tour EmployAbilitiy
161st District Representative Bill Hitchens, DBHDD Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald, Governor Brian Kemp, and EmployAbility Board Member Michael Owens discuss the local impact of employment and community integration for adults with developmental disabilities. Governor Brian Kemp and Dr. Ken Boyd, EmployAbility Executive Director, look on as Charles, a program participant in EmployAbility Specialized Assembly, completes a wiring harness for a leading local manufacturer. EmployAbility Board Member Michael Owens, EmployAbility Executive Director Dr. Ken Boyd, DBHDD Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, EmployAbility Director of Training and Supported Employment Brendan Ferrara, and DBHDD Assistant Commissioner and General Counsel Amy Howell. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp shakes hands with Ebony, one of the eleven program participants learning commercial kitchen skills at EmployAbility Catering. DBHDD Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald watches on as Andrew, a program participant in EmployAbility Specialized Assembly, demonstrates how he carefully untangles wires for a thermocouple project.
Lorri Smith, Ryan Loke and Cody Whitlock from the Governor’s office toured Georgia Regional Hospital Atlanta with Commissioner Fitzgerlad, Dr. Charles Li, Dr. Mark Cochran, Geneva DaCosta, and Nicola Watson.

DBHDD and Commissioner Fitzgerald were honored to join community partners and elected officials to celebrate the groundbreaking of the newest Behavioral Health Crisis Center in Savannah! Special thanks to the city of Savannah, Chatham County, Gateway Behavioral Health and many others for their innovative leadership and vision to make this vital project a reality.
Below, DBHDD’s Office of Behavioral Health Prevention hosted the State Opioid Response kick-off event Friday, May 31, 2019, at the Delta Flight Museum. Neil Campbell, Executive Director of the Georgia Council on Substance Abuse, was one featured speaker.
The Georgia Council on Substance Abuse presented Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald with their Recovery Champion Award on Thursday, April 18, 2019. Pictured left to right are Neil Campbell, Commissioner Fitzgerald, and Jeff Breedlove. The Georgia Crisis Consortium: a group of stakeholders that serves as a steering committee for Georgia’s disaster mental health program. Georgia Crisis Consortium: a group of stakeholders that serves as a steering committee for Georgia’s disaster mental health program. Georgia Crisis Consortium: a group of stakeholders that serves as a steering committee for Georgia’s disaster mental health program. Chatham County Mental Health Proclamation Day
Chatham County Mental Health Proclamation Day
Chatham County Mental Health Proclamation DayCommissioner Fitzgerald speaking to SPADD members at their annual conference in Augusta on April 29, 2019. Commissioner Fitzgerald speaking to SPADD members at their annual conference in Augusta on April 29, 2019.
Michael Link, Statewide Community Relations Director stands with Jojn Etherington, Vice President and Leslie Sheridan, Program Director of Alliance Recovery Center after a site visit. On Tuesday, February 19th Commissioner Fitzgerald spoke to the Georgia Chapter of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention at the Capitol. Commissioner Fitzgerald introducing Governor Kemp at Substance Abuse Prevention Advocacy Day at the Capitol. Governor Kemp speaking to a large crowd at Substance Abuse Prevention Advocacy Day at the Capitol. Jeannette David conducting a Disaster Response Training including DBHDD Region 4 and Region 2 staff, Legacy CSB, Aspire CSB, Georgia Pines CSB, Unison CSB, Albany ARC, Bainbridge Memorial Hospital, Mobile Crisis, Liberty University and the Dougherty County School System. Jeannette David conducting a Disaster Response Training including DBHDD Region 4 and Region 2 staff, Legacy CSB, Aspire CSB, Georgia Pines CSB, Unison CSB, Albany ARC, Bainbridge Memorial Hospital, Mobile Crisis, Liberty University and the Dougherty County School System. McIntosh Trail CSB, Burke Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony McIntosh Trail CSB, Burke Center Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Diante Waldon introduced as the Burke Center Director River Edge CSB Ribbon cutting for their new Lighthouse Recovery Center. The center is funded through funds from DBHDD (Addictive Disease-STR Grant). Guest speaker, Joshua Hale; River Edge CEO, Shannon T. Gordon; The Lighthouse Site Supervisor, Marissa Cody; The Lighthouse Recovery Coach, Rhonda Wade; and DBHDD Addictive Diseases Recovery Specialist, Nicholas Estabrook. Commissioner Fitzgerald speaking to the CSBs at the annual February DBHDD/CSB meeting hosted by the DeKalb Community Service Board in Decatur. Jeff Minor speaking to the CSBs at the annual February DBHDD/CSB meeting hosted by the DeKalb Community Service Board in Decatur. Robert Dorr speaking to our CSBs at the annual DBHDD/CSB February meeting hosted by the DeKalb Community Service Board in Decatur. Jeff Minor, Deputy Commissioner, speaking to the Senate Appropriations Sub-committee. My GCAL press conference where Governor Kemp introduced an app that will be pivotal in reaching the youth in crisis. My GCAL press conference where Governor Kemp introduced an app that will be pivotal in reaching the youth in crisis. My GCAL press conference where Governor Kemp introduced an app that will be pivotal in reaching the youth in crisis. My GCAL press conference where Governor Kemp introduced an app that will be pivotal in reaching the youth in crisis.
DBHDD: On the Move Nov 2018
Travis Fretwell, Office of Behavioral Health Prevention, Director and Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald at Suicide Prevention Conference 2018 Walker Tisdale, III, Suicide Prevention, Director speaking at Suicide Prevention Conference 2018 Suicide Prevention Conference 2018 Suicide Prevention Conference 2018 Suicide Prevention Conference 2018 Suicide Prevention Conference 2018 Kickoff for the 16 new Addiction Recovery Support Centers (ARSC) Karen Bailey, Ph. D., Forensic Services, Director at SSPHA/NASMHPD 2018 Susan Trueblood, Regional Hospital Administrator, Central State Hospital at SSPHA/NASMHPD 2018 Cassandra Price, Office of Addictive Diseases, Director at SSPHA/NASMHPD 2018 David Sofferin, Office of Public Affairs, Director at SSPHA/NASMHPD 2018 East Central Regional Hospital Governing Body Meeting East Central Regional Hospital Governing Body Meeting Central State Hospital Governing Body Meeting Georgia Regional Hospital Atlanta Governing Body Meeting
Suicide Prevention
Walker Tisdale, Director of Suicide Prevention, was interviewed on WJZA 101.1 FM’s show “Sunday Conversations” to bring awareness to the epidemic of suicide currently happening in Georgia and beyond. Tisdale also led the 8th Annual Georgia College and University Suicide Prevention Conference (pictured below) on September 24 and 25.
Region 4 Recovery Workshop
Highland River’s Women’s Outreach Program 20th Anniversary