“Empower – Experts Discuss Mental Health and Addiction.”
This is panel discussion was moderated by WSB-TVs Jovita Moore at the Cox Corporate Campus.
Georgia Disaster Mental Health Field Response Training class taught by Jeannette David at the Region 1 Field Office. There were 20 people in attendance from the DBHDD, Advantage, Lookout Mountain, American Work, Cobb CSB, Clayton Center, Haralson BHS, and few other small providers.
Region 4 emergency preparedness workshop in Thomasville, GA.
David Sofferin speaking at Dr. Kay Brooks- Hatfield’s retirement reception in Albany, GA
Gov Kemp and Commissioner Fitzgerald Tour EmployAbilitiy
161st District Representative Bill Hitchens, DBHDD Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald, Governor Brian Kemp, and EmployAbility Board Member Michael Owens discuss the local impact of employment and community integration for adults with developmental disabilities. Governor Brian Kemp and Dr. Ken Boyd, EmployAbility Executive Director, look on as Charles, a program participant in EmployAbility Specialized Assembly, completes a wiring harness for a leading local manufacturer. EmployAbility Board Member Michael Owens, EmployAbility Executive Director Dr. Ken Boyd, DBHDD Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, EmployAbility Director of Training and Supported Employment Brendan Ferrara, and DBHDD Assistant Commissioner and General Counsel Amy Howell. Georgia Governor Brian Kemp shakes hands with Ebony, one of the eleven program participants learning commercial kitchen skills at EmployAbility Catering. DBHDD Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald watches on as Andrew, a program participant in EmployAbility Specialized Assembly, demonstrates how he carefully untangles wires for a thermocouple project.
Lorri Smith, Ryan Loke and Cody Whitlock from the Governor’s office toured Georgia Regional Hospital Atlanta with Commissioner Fitzgerlad, Dr. Charles Li, Dr. Mark Cochran, Geneva DaCosta, and Nicola Watson.