
30 years of faithful service

Wanda Jallow 30 yearsEven with more than 30 years of state service, Wanda Jallow, who works in DBHDD’s Division of Performance Management and Quality Improvement, stills feels humble enough to know that there is always more to learn.

“My favorite aspect of my job is working with my co-workers,” Wanda said. “Most of them were little kids when I started my career with the state.  I enjoy sharing my knowledge with them and giving them encouragement to hang in there when things are rough.  I also know they have knowledge to share with me.  You can teach an old dogs new tricks!”

Wanda received her award and pin commemorating 30 years of faithful service in a ceremony earlier this month.  She started her career with the state in 1984 at Georgia Regional Hospital – Atlanta, and continued on to the DeKalb County Board of Health and the Department of Community Health before joining DBHDD last year.  She was working as an infectious disease nurse at the DeKalb County Board of Health following the 9/11 attacks.

“I began working with the Office of Emergency Preparedness where I was working directly with the CDC,” Wanda said.  “During this time, I assisted with the investigations of Anthrax threats.  I also had the privilege of being on the front line when several new diseases or reoccurring diseases were discovered such as West Nile virus, Avian Influenza, SARS, and so many more that were threats in the U.S. and throughout the world.”

Congratulations on 30 plus years of faithful service, Wanda!

Georgia DBHDD

By Georgia DBHDD

The Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities provides treatment and support services to people with behavioral health challenges and addictive diseases, and assists individuals who live with developmental disabilities.

The agency’s mission is to lead an accountable and effective continuum of care to support people with behavioral health challenges, and intellectual and developmental disabilities in a dynamic health care environment.

1 reply on “30 years of faithful service”

Congratulations Wanda !!! I feel very fortunate to work with you and to be part of your team. You have been very supportive and always available to bring help when we needed the most. Thanks for all the knowledge shared and all your powerful and assertive words of wisdom. Keep it on Wanda.

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