DBHDD is conducting a cost study for intellectual and developmental disability residential services. Residential services include community residential alternatives (group homes and host homes), community living supports, and respite services. The study will help the department create a new rate model that better accommodates individuals with varying levels of need.
Residential services are funded through the New Options Waiver (NOW) and Comprehensive Supports (COMP) waiver, a Medicaid program for individuals who need a full range of out-of-home services or intensive in-home services. These services account for about 65% of COMP waiver claims.
Partnering with a nationally recognized expert, DBHDD is collecting and analyzing provider data and developing draft rates. The department is engaging stakeholders and providing multiple opportunities for input, including provider surveys, webinars, and a public comment period. There is an advisory committee to help direct the study. The committee is made up of providers, a host home provider, and family members.
For more information about the cost study, please visit www.burnshealthpolicy.com/GeorgiaWaiverRates.
Individuals and family members should contact dbhddconstituentservices@dbhdd.ga.gov with any questions. DBHDD residential providers with questions about the survey may contact Stephen Pawlowski.