Unison Behavioral Health in Waycross is innovating how it treats individuals with behavioral health challenges. A new partnership with myStrength, Inc. allows Unison’s clients to access treatment and supports by the click of a button. MyStrength is a mobile- and web-based application that offers a range of resources to improve mental health and overall well-being. Using their smart phones, tablets or personal computers, clients are now taking advantage of eLearning programs and personalized resources to support mental health and addictive disease recovery.
Implemented in July, myStrength is already making a big impact on the people served by Unison’s recovery programs, according to Director of Outpatient Services Tiffany Henderson. “MyStrength makes it easy for clients to get started right away. In our first month, we had 69 clients begin using the application,” she said.
Clients receive a user name, and they are able to set up their private, personalized website to access through their phone or computer. MyStrength offers a range of evidence-based interactive tools and daily inspirations tailored to their specific recovery needs. “Many of our clients use mood tracker to identify what triggers and times of day they’re most likely to have symptoms and then set up custom tools and alerts to better manage those times,” Henderson said. “We also love the fact that myStrength is completely self-directed so it’s up to each person how they wish to use it or whether they want to share their work with others.”

At the age of 55, Jeffrey found himself facing debilitating depression. In March 2014, he became homeless. He struggled to find hope and the means to get through the day. In July, Jeffrey’s intensive case manager introduced him to myStrength. Jeffrey is energized by what the new resource can do. Through his smart phone, he uses the mood tracker and motivational video tools to manage his depression. “MyStrength has given me the strength to carry on and push through each day between my sessions,” said Jeffrey.
Clients throughout Unison’s mental health and addictive disease programs are discovering new ways to use the mobile application. Twelve-year-old Angel, who is in Unison’s child and family program, struggled with self-esteem due to challenging events in her life. MyStrength has offered her new ways to cope with bullying and other difficult circumstances.
For many people, recovery means having a day-to-day awareness of personal wellness. Although recovery programs are very effective, the amount of time clients spend out-of-session working towards recovery is much greater than the time they spend in program sessions. MyStrength bridges the gap by providing Unison’s clients with easy-to-use tools they can access at any time during their daily lives. Because myStrength has become such a great resource for clients, Unison has also made it available to staff and board members.
The implementation of myStrength supports Unison’s vision of creatinghealthy, vibrant, caring communities where all persons have the opportunity to live productive, meaningful lives.Unison is one of DBHDD’s 26 community service boards and a leading provider of behavioral health and developmental disability services in southeast Georgia. For more information on about myStrength, contact Tiffany Henderson at thender@unisonbh.com or visit Unison online.